Ongoing Registration for tDPT for UM
- Posted by syllabiconsultancy
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- Date October 24, 2023
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- Tags Ongoing Registration for tDPT for UM
Upcoming 1st AMREF Primary Health Care Congress registration open
Hello Everyone and I’m glad to be writing you.
Last month, Syllabi conducted a webinar with guest students from the University of Montana’s tDPT program who shared their first hand experience and helped shed light on the merits of the program. We were glad to hear positive review of the program and feel vindicated in our advocacy. We thank them for their participation. We also had the privilege of having Dr. Abdulsalam Yakasi and Ms. Fatima Halilu co- hosting and sharing their feedback on the ongoing field of physical therapy practice in Nigeria. And finally, I used the forum to present a discussion on career paths for physical therapists especially those in the United States, outlining from my own current experience the process of getting licensed and also a segment on applications for post graduate studies in the US. We will continue updating you on the pathway to the US through such forums.
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Our forum will target our Ghanaian colleagues. We are in the process of organizing another webinar to establish an understanding of the professional challenges faced by physical therapists and also to introduce them to the tDPT from UM. We will make sure to share the invite in an upcoming edition of our newsletter to have as diverse attendees as possible.
The registration for the tDPT is open for 2024 admission in January. Closing date for applications and registration is Dec. 5 for tuition reduced program and Dec. 10 for the regular program.
The upcoming 1st AMREF Primary Health Care Congress will take place on Nov. 29 – Dec. 1. This year’s theme: Aligning Practice to Evidence in Strengthening PHC for Lasting Health Change in Africa.
For more information, visit the link.
On a final note, we are trying to grow our network to enhance and also unify efforts towards improving physical therapy education in Africa. So we are thinking of putting together a “think tank” of influencers and interested people. We will be scheduling an online “meet and greet” around the end of the year. It would be an interesting forum to contrast experience from the region and also to strengthen networks.
If you feel this is something that could interest you, please send us your details along with a small description of your achievements and interests.
Finally, before we leave, we ask you to join Syllabi in advocating for greater respect of patient rights and universal healthcare coverage for our populations.
Thank you.
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